<%if application("udate")=true then response.redirect "../probihaupdate.html" end if%> Untitled
<% randomize if request.querystring("trizeni")<>"" then cislo=int(request.querystring("trizeni")) else cislo=int(rnd*7) end if if cislo<=1 then orderek=" zbozi.nazev;" end if if cislo=2 then orderek=" zbozi.nazev desc;" end if if cislo=3 then orderek=" zbozi.kod;" end if if cislo=4 then orderek=" zbozi.kod desc;" end if if cislo=5 then orderek=" zbozi.moc;" end if if cislo=6 then orderek=" zbozi.moc desc;" end if if cislo>6 then orderek=" zbozi.obr;" end if dim pomocna,dbconnection,recordset,odpovedcislo,jonebone set dbconnection=server.createobject("adodb.connection") pomocna="driver={microsoft access driver (*.mdb)}; " pomocna=pomocna & "dbq=" & server.mappath("admin/forum.mdb") dbconnection.open pomocna set recordset=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") recordset.activeconnection=dbconnection recordset.cursortype=1 recordset.locktype=3 if request.querystring("method")="search" then if request.querystring("prodejna")<>"" then textik="SELECT * FROM Dostupnost INNER JOIN Zbozi ON Dostupnost.kod = Zbozi.Kod WHERE zbozi.kategorie=" & request.querystring("kat") if request.querystring("podkat")<>"" then textik=textik & " and zbozi.podkategorie=" & request.querystring("podkat") end if if request.querystring("delka")<>"" then textik=textik & " and zbozi.delka=" & request.querystring("delka") end if if request.querystring("akce")="on" and request.querystring("novinka")="on" then if request.querystring("akce")="on" then textik=textik & " and zbozi.akce>0" end if if request.querystring("novinka")="on" then textik=textik & " or zbozi.novinka=true" end if else if request.querystring("akce")="on" then textik=textik & " and zbozi.akce>0" end if if request.querystring("novinka")="on" then textik=textik & " and zbozi.novinka=true" end if end if if request.querystring("prodejna")<>"" then textik=textik & " and dostupnost.dostupnost='" & request.querystring("prodejna") &"'" end if textik=textik &" order by" & orderek recordset.open textik else textik="SELECT * FROM Zbozi WHERE zbozi.kategorie=" & request.querystring("kat") if request.querystring("podkat")<>"" then textik=textik & " and zbozi.podkategorie=" & request.querystring("podkat") end if if request.querystring("delka")<>"" then textik=textik & " and zbozi.delka=" & request.querystring("delka") end if if request.querystring("akce")="on" and request.querystring("novinka")="on" then if request.querystring("akce")="on" then textik=textik & " and zbozi.akce>0" end if if request.querystring("novinka")="on" then textik=textik & " or zbozi.novinka=true" end if else if request.querystring("akce")="on" then textik=textik & " and zbozi.akce>0" end if if request.querystring("novinka")="on" then textik=textik & " and zbozi.novinka=true" end if end if textik=textik &" order by "& orderek recordset.open textik end if else if request.querystring("barva")<>"" then recordset.open "SELECT Barvy.kodbarvy, Zbozi.Kod, Zbozi.podkategorie, Zbozi.kategorie, Zbozi.Nazev, Zbozi.Obr, Zbozi.Id FROM Zbozi INNER JOIN Barvy ON Zbozi.Kod = Barvy.kodzbozi WHERE (((Barvy.kodbarvy)='"&request.querystring("barva")&"'));" else if request.querystring("podkat")<>"" then recordset.open "SELECT * FROM zbozi where zbozi.kategorie="&request.querystring("kat")&" and zbozi.podkategorie="&request.querystring("podkat")&" order by"& orderek else recordset.open "SELECT * FROM zbozi where zbozi.kategorie="&request.querystring("kat")&" order by"& orderek end if end if end if if recordset.eof and recordset.bof then%> <%else cece="bylo" pocet=recordset.recordcount cc=1 citac=pocet prvni=int(pocet/3) druha=2*prvni treti=pocet jojo=true do while not recordset.eof cc=cc+1 citac=citac-1 %><% if jojo=true then response.write "" jojo=false end if byloidko=false if request.querystring("idko")<>"" then if int(request.querystring("idko"))=recordset("id") then cidko=cc byloidko=true end if end if %> <%if (citac=prvni) or (citac=druha) or (citac=treti) then response.write "" jojo=true end if recordset.movenext loop end if recordset.close dbconnection.close set recordset=nothing set dbconnection=nothing %> <%if cidko<>"" then cislo=cidko else cislo=2 end if%>
&id=<%=recordset("id")%>&kat=<%=recordset("kategorie")%>&inte=<%=cc%>" target="info">" onmouseover="kol<%=cc%>.style.filter='progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(grayScale=1)'" onclick="doboxu('<%=cc%>',kol<%=cc%>);kol<%=cc%>.style.filter='progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(grayScale=1)'" onmouseout="return obarvit('<%=cc%>',kol<%=cc%>)" id="kol<%=cc%>" style="cursor:hand">